





10 則留言:

** 飛雪素素 ** 說...

你好快wo~ =D

陳大文部落 說...

哈哈哈哈...@@"V ( 嘩屌..頭頂有啲冷汗...)

我幾驚激嬲左妳呀真係....( 好不安o架我~~)


** 飛雪素素 ** 說...

超~~ 我冇你想象中咁小氣啦~ =)

陳大文部落 說...

你咁可愛點嬲得落 <---呢句真係令我感到非常不安,連我自己都唔信啦下話~

** 飛雪素素 ** 說...

哈~ 你咁不安,我依家好心涼呀。

匿名 說...

Thanks for your posting re: women in their 30s in Hong Kong. I really admire those ladies who honestly reveal their feelings to the public. Each and every one of them is gorgeously beautiful and full of guts.

I always believe women liberation is consisted of three components: education/vocational training, financial independence and liberal thinking (which set them free from oppressive traditions and norms). Therefore, women in their 30s (or other age groups that are older than 18) should have the freedom to choose to have multiple lovers and sexual partners (both homosexual and heterosexual). They have no need to enter into the social institution of marriage (or monogamy) which is only suitable for a number of people. A lot of bio-anthropological scientific research reports have already proven this soical reality. I truly hope they can enjoy a lot of romance, sexual gratification and love (platonic, eros and agape) with their multiple lovers/partners. Of course, they need to have that sort of self-love, positive self-image and wisdom in order to handle the issues of jealousy of one another, safe sex...and so on. At the same time, the soceity should be more open-minded to tolerate, accept and even celebrate the diversity of different models of relationship and sexual behaviors.

匿名 說...


匿名 說...


RE:匿名 提到...

Thanks for your posting re: women in their 30s in Hong Kong. I really admire those ladies who honestly reveal their feelings to the public. Each and every one of them is gorgeously beautiful and full of guts.

Let's move out the jelly in your skull and put something more thoughful.

It is NOT the bussiness of sexism. What the majority cares is there are more and more 'getting-old' fiends. Who made it? Materialism with better living conditions? So-called 'modern globalized worldview' (applicable for man-hunting in LKF)? I bet most of us just caring the most basic: how to treat the other. And actually it is always a topic.

As Diamond Chan said LONG BEFORE, the clash of genders has gone through stages, just not still the after-calss quarrel between boys and girls.

vincent 說...

有婚無人結, 有人無婚結同有工無人做, 有人無工做係一樣, 資源錯配~

匿名 說...




