屯門醫院 表示,醫護人員中午12時為7歲男童羅浩明拔除呼吸機,不治死亡。
連環爆疫 鍾南山:港響警號了
(星島日報 報道)粵港兩地同時爆發禽流感或流感致命個案,廣州呼吸疾病研究所所長鍾南山坦言,擔心禽流感有變種為可以人傳人的危機,另外,本港近日有小童死於感染流感病毒事件,給港人響起了「一個警號」,呼籲港人必須提高警惕。本港過去三日,就再有九所學校爆發流感,涉及五十二名師生及員工,其中元朗公立中學校友會小學有十一人出現流感徵狀,一人須入院治理。
正在北京 的鍾南山昨表示,廣東有人感染禽流感個案,而粵港亦正值流感高峰期,流感與禽流感同時出現,增加了禽流感變種的風險,不但會提高了人感染禽流感的機會,也恐防會出現人傳人的情況,當局目前已正嚴密監察近期禽流感是否出現變種情況。
行政會議 成員梁智鴻認為,目前流感情況,並非不受控制,學校毋須停課,市民亦毋須驚慌。身兼安老事務委員會主席的梁智鴻建議,容易染病的高危人士,特別是長者,應注射預防流感針,身體不適應
※ 可能當局是根據 2003 年,香港因 [ 沙士 ] 而死亡的人數達 299 人來計算,現在只有數名小童因流感去世,是 OK! No Problem !但 2003 年沙士還未計算因沙士而引致的其他感染後遺症。 299 人是已死亡人數。
11 則留言:
it just reminds me 5 yrs ago ... when everyone was crazy to buy vinegar, "pan nam gun" ... and then mouth-mask ...
when i took a van yesterday, the driver-big-brother coughed a lot & spitted outside the window of the van, so awful! Then i gave him a packet of tissues, he said "thanks", then i "reminded" him not to spit, it may cause SARS ... he seemed embarrassed.
one more thing: maybe i put the above little story into my new column "civic pork"?^_^
作者/ 傑洛德.克拉漢 (Callahan, Gerald N.)
編/譯者/ 陳祉霖
出版社/ 原水文化
出版日期/ 20071219
商品語言/ 中文/繁體
裝訂/ 平裝
Thanks for the news. Very informative to read your blog.. I am posting this news too. I hope you don't mind.... very sad news. =*(
To Eric: maybe i talk in a mild way gar?^_^ How can he refuse me ... & the tissues lei?
Angel, yeah you are right, not that many people are as nice as you and actually gave tissue to a stranger. It is hard to be an a-hole to a nice person :-).
I remember the SARS time..I wasn't in HK, and as I was working in a lab and have tons of those N95 masks, my mom (who was in HK around that time) kept asking me to send her some because apparently it was hard to get in HK. This is okay if it is just one or two, but then her friends knew and I got tons of orders from her and I just had to say I am sorry but not anymore...(My mom was a bit annoyed, hahaha)
To Eric: tks for yr compliment:)
honestly, i like the time during SARS in HK - so quiet everywhere! I know i may be cursed but u know it's the rare time for me to enjoy a bit of "peace" in this crazy city ...
it's a GREAT decision that all students from kindergarten & primary schools are having early/extra Easter holidays!
especially for me ... no need to work but still get paid!
Kyliecat: good news for teachers, extra holidays, get paid ... so jealous!:)
Govt has made a quick decision this time, learnt from SARS ...