由於 Television Broadcasts Limited 發出了第三方通知,聲稱以下資料侵權,本部落都無辦法,本人上載之【志雲飯局】已被 TVB 全部投訴,並已全部被移除,但我找到有人再接再勵,努力上載,大家可隨意觀看,睇得就睇喇,多謝。
鍾欣桐阿嬌志雲飯局講淫照心路歷程 1 (2008-03-7)
鍾欣桐阿嬌志雲飯局講淫照心路歷程 2 (2008-03-7)
鍾欣桐阿嬌志雲飯局講淫照心路歷程 3 (2008-03-7)
鍾欣桐阿嬌志雲飯局講淫照心路歷程 4 (2008-03-7)
鍾欣桐阿嬌志雲飯局講淫照心路歷程 5 (2008-03-7)

11 則留言:
讲真, 看完张的 video , 已经无兴趣再看Gill的, 她说什么, 我都不会再信啦.
柏芝真系好聪明, 我怀疑她根本就系知道Gill 有访问, 跟住把心一横, 看准时机就出动.
柏芝嗰访问事前一点风声都无, 然后就呯地一声雷,根本占尽天时地利人和. 而且柏芝形象贯彻如一, 所以虽然她淫, 但起码真.
淫得来敢作敢为会争取好多女仔支持. 你见 "Sex & the City" 有甘fans 就知啦. 我都系 fans 之一...哈哈哈!!!
真佩服惡霸台做事咁有效率. 利害!
個節目都播左 la,之前柏豬個有線專訪好多人 上 youtube la,無記真係乞人憎.
陳生, well done!good job,祝你好運.
第1,4,5都睇唔到呀... 名唔可以放去其他地方或者改下個video名咪得囉 =)
你放左去邊個"country"呀? 香港果個唔比睇.... 等得轉一下...
i had saw the whole interview... and i still dont know the following point:
1, why she remind us her past experience? Is it she felt that we will give herself a NEW justification or image?!
2, Although, this is local culture from TVB, to increase their watching rate, but HK's ethic and respect spirit should be still lost from this kind of artists?
3, Finally, lets focus on international economy much useful than the current international joke (especially great china)...
nowaday HK should be self- motivate, and cooperate together its will be the only way go out of the current risk...we are hongkongese and live in hong kong we should escape and growth from ourselve. The traditional hongkongese spirit are willing to work hard and enhance each ohter... past ago we do in the future and so on!!
1, why she remind us her past experience? Is it she felt that we will give herself a NEW justification or image?!
2, Although, this is local culture from TVB, to increase their watching rate, but HK's ethic and respect spirit should be still lost from this kind of artists ?
3, Finally, lets focus on international economy much useful than the current international joke (especially great china)...
"we are hongkongese and live in hong kong we should escape and growth from ourselve. The traditional hongkongese spirit are willing to work hard and enhance each ohter... past ago we do in the future and so on!!"
见到呢D 英文, 睇到人都颠!
1, why she remind us her past experience? Is it she felt that we will give herself a NEW justification or image?!
2009年03月09日 星期一 上午5:24 匿名:
我個人認為是不會,阿嬌的爛 show,很沉悶,話題也很無聊,又講下她的名字、成長過程,是可以講,但阿嬌的對答很呆滯,令觀眾看得很沒趣。