




北韓周一突然宣佈即時實施貨幣改革,將 100舊圜兌為新幣 1圜後,在民間引起極大反彈,事關措施要把民眾的私藏資金逼出枱面,否則只會變成一堆廢紙,失望又沮喪的人紛紛湧到黑市兌換美元和人民幣,據報一對老夫婦驚聞改革後,自殺身亡。

據專門報道北韓消息的南韓新聞網站 Daily NK報道,住在咸鏡北道的一對經營小生意的 60多歲夫婦,在得知當局竟通過貨幣改革搶奪民眾血汗錢後,極度沮喪,雙雙自殺。


報道亦引述消息人士說,改革消息最初在市集傳出時,「有些女人當場昏倒」,「家家戶戶都傳出哭泣聲,夫婦為此吵嘴甚至打架」。其後在會寧市幾乎出現騷亂,銀行也為安全而要關門。事實上,一般商店、浴室、理髮店和餐廳在前天(周二)全面停業。當局規定民眾在周日前將舊鈔兌換成新鈔,兌換率是 100兌 1,只准兌換 10萬舊圜,引起民眾不滿,當局前天召開緊急會議後,頒發新令,提高兌換額,但 100:1的兌換率只限頭 10萬圜,之後的兌換率會跌至 1,000舊圜兌 1新圜,即擁有 20萬舊圜,只能換取 1,100新圜。

另有消息人士指,市場雖已停擺,但一些米農仍繼續售米,不過價錢飆升 15倍。當局擔心民眾拿鈔票出氣,警告民眾:「損污印有偉大領袖肖像的鈔票,會被視為叛國。」


( 工商時報 2009-12-02 )







( 專門報道北韓消息的南韓新聞網站 Daily NK )

Public Currency Announcement Broadcast

The North Korean authorities also finally announced the currency reforms publicly through the “third broadcasting,” the colloquial name for cable broadcasts sent directly into North Korean homes.

A source explained in a telephone conversation with The Daily NK today, “There was a broadcast on currency reform from yesterday at 2 P.M. The exchange starts officially from today.”

The source explained more, “For five days, from December 1, they said they will exchange old bills for new ones at a 100:1 exchange rate, according to an additional decree. The new bills go into circulation on the 6th.”

There was reportedly chaos among the people when the news began to spread; in the source’s words, “Stations and the jangmadang everywhere were pandemonium.”

According to a further source, the jangmadang was closed from 11 A.M. on the 30th when the news of currency reform was released officially. It apparently caused real chaos.

When the news arrived in Pyongsung, a major distribution center, the jangmadang was reduced to floods of tears as traders from remote locations all tried to go home simultaneously. The station was apparently uncontrollable.

Since then, the jangmadang has been paralyzed, so small-scale traders who generally live from hand to mouth have been forced to hunt high and low in search of food.

As telephone lines got swamped, one telecommunications office also apparently crashed.

As confusion reigned in the cities, the Chosun Central Bank did not signal the start of the money exchange, which was supposed to be at 12 P.M. on the 30th. Citizens were only able to exchange their old bills on time in some neighborhoods in Pyongyang.

The authorities subsequently summoned meetings with cadres and other officials to cope with the situation.

Provincial committees and people’s committees also attempted some counter-measures, such as advertising the need for currency reform through People’s Units.

However, noting the confusion, the authorities eventually conceded some ground at last night's cadres meetings, expanding the maximum amount which could be exchanged from 100,000 won to 150,000 won in cash and adding the ability to convert 300,000 won in savings.

4 則留言:

匿名 說...



One 說...


kks 說...


我覺得... 中國人都係同一種on9仔


kendrick 說...

呢D先係正宗共產主義國家嘛, 唔該果D先係識掛住共產主義喺口邊既國家學下嘢!